
Succesful first edition Bizzo Meet & Mx

The first edition “Bizzo Meet & Mx”, which took place on Thursday October 24, was a great success. The event was packed with inspiration in the field of digital innovation, Design Thinking and Mendix. This sets the tone for the next edition, which will take place in the spring of 2020.

The room was awakened by the Fountainheads this Thursday afternoon. Their Wake-Up Call was full of inspiring and especially motivating words. The conclusion? To be and to remain relevant within the industry in which you are active, your have to keep eyes and ears wide open. Because; if you do today, what you did yesterday, you will be out of business tomorrow!

“If the IT guys enter your business, your world will turn upside down”

Once you have figured out what you want to do to be able to continue to participate, you are not there yet. Because how do you ensure that your plans in the field of digital innovation become reality? Roald Kruit is co-founder of Mendix; a worldwide, leading software platform that makes it possible to develop and continue to improve web and mobile applications without programming code. In no time there is a qualitative application, whereby the payback time can be reduced to days or weeks, instead of months or years. During Bizzo Meet & Mx, Roald told about its origins.

They – the founders of Mendix – have learned it the hard way. Delivering software that meets the needs of the business is extremely difficult and fails more often than it succeeds. There are many implicit assumptions on both the business and IT side about how the software should work and what it should look like. And even when there is coordination, the requirements of the customer change, consciously or unconsciously.

And there it often goes wrong, because in every organization people think and act differently on the IT side than the business does. The founders of Mendix realized that if that gap is not bridged, there is very little chance that a remote software project will be successful.

Scrum and Design Thinking

To bridge the gap between business and IT, you need more than just technology. An iterative and agile process is required so that key users and stakeholders are involved in every step. This allows direct feedback on the work that has been done and this greatly accelerates development. At the same time, it ensures that the customer is satisfied with the result, which removes a lot of frustration and actually helps the customer to add value.

But how do you accomplish such collaboration? How do you ensure that you build the right things? And how do you ensure that you develop the right thing, good and fast? Henry Kraaijenbos, partner at Bizzomate, gave a stimulating introduction about the value of Design Thinking in the development process.

Whereas agile development methodology Scrum is an approach to problem solving, Design Thinking is an approach to problem solving. It requires a high level of empathy and understanding of end users. It is an iterative process for developing new ideas, verifying assumptions, and redefining problems, with the aim of identifying alternative solutions that are not necessarily fully developed.

At Bizzomate we therefore believe in the combination of Design Thinking and Scrum. Based on this combination and our many years of experience, we have developed the “4D approach”. This approach consists of 4 consecutive phases, Discover, Define, Design and Do.

  • Discover – Where are you today? What are the dreams for the future? How can these be achieved?
  • Define – Set priorities; what is the focus on and what are the first steps?
  • Design – Make a plan and work on a prototype,
  • Do – Go for it and realize the plans made.

The result? Together we ensure that your organizational dreams are within reach! The right is built in a good and fast way, so that real value is added!

“You snooze, you lose”

The Fountainheads said it at the start of their Wake-Up Call: “You snooze, you lose.” So do you have a good idea and can’t wait to get started? Or would you like to discover how Scrum and Design Thinking can contribute to your success? Good news! You do not have to wait until the next Bizzo Meet & Mx, we would like to meet you sooner! Send an email to Philippe Neven via or call +31 6 47028788.

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Bizzomate viert 10-jarig bestaan

Persbericht Bizzomate 10-jarig bestaan.


Healthcare organizations urgently need more skills and capacity

57 percent of healthcare facilities lack capacity and skills to implement their planned digitalization


Fibre-optic supplier Glaspoort optimises project planning with Bizzomate

The Mendix app we’ve built for Glaspoort provides insight into the status of hundreds of projects


GGZ inGeest selects Bizzomate and Tacstone for the digitization of patient flow logistics

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Marc Gelissen: We want to be the greatest company to work for now and in 10 years’ time

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Marc: “Before we knew it, we were Mendix partner of the year twice”

Discover how we pursued our everlasting goal of growing together and became a rapidly growing company with over 70 colleagues


Bart: “At Bizzomate people always care for each other”

Colleague Bart Poelmans who has been working here for over ten years still sees many similarities with the early days


Charles: “Being part of your colleagues’ development gives a lot of energy”

Charles was there during the hectic early stages of Bizzomate and shares his experiences


10 years of Bizzomate: “A lot has changed, but that family feeling is still there”

Bizzomate of the first hour Jelle Boomsma shares his best memories of the past 10 years


10 year Bizzomate – the start

Founder Marc Gelissen takes you back in time and shows you how the foundations were laid for the success of Bizzomate


Bizzomate viert 10-jarig bestaan

Persbericht Bizzomate 10-jarig bestaan.