
Bart: “At Bizzomate people always care for each other”

This year, we celebrate our 10th anniversary. In the past decade, we have grown from a small group of people to a company with 70 colleagues, celebrated many successes, and made great memories together. For this occasion, we ask colleagues from the very beginning about their fondest memories. Bart Poelmans still sees many similarities with his early days at Bizzomate.

“In my first month at Bizzomate, I was immediately pulled into a big project. We had to prove that you really could develop applications with Mendix as fast as we promised. With the team at the time, we pulled through and actually showed it could be done. What I liked was that we immediately put our shoulders under it. We had lots of fun but also worked hard, with results. Even in the first period, we quickly had a number of projects and already achieved an immediate positive result in our first year. It says something about how we delivered quality right from the start.”

“One change that growth has brought to Bizzomate is the space that has been created for taking your own responsibility. In the beginning, you do everything together, but that is hard to maintain when the company is growing. At Bizzomate, this means that colleagues are given more responsibility to successfully complete projects according to our vision and philosophy. This creates more room for personal growth. At the same time, you’re never alone at Bizzomate. Newcomers always receive guidance from experienced colleagues to master our way of working.”

“What really stuck with me from working at Bizzomate in all these years is the willingness of colleagues to help each other. That hasn’t changed in those ten years. I‘m there for my colleagues, they know where to find me, and vice versa. At Bizzomate, we have always looked after each other, which goes beyond just your work. Your colleagues are just as interested and involved when it comes to your hobbies, interests or your home situation. When things are getting tough, someone else steps up, and if you are doing well, you make sure to help out your colleagues. We have always attracted people who are there for their colleagues and are willing to help each other by sharing knowledge, for instance. As a result, that part of our culture has been preserved even during the growth of recent years.”

“For the next 10 years, I hope the family feeling will remain the same. In doing so, our distinctive way of working can remain intact. At Bizzomate, I can grow and learn in a way that suits me, in a great environment with a great team that looks after each other. I also assume that, just like now, we will still be a leading Mendix low-code partner in ten years’ time.”

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