
10 years of Bizzomate: “A lot has changed, but that family feeling is still there”

This year, we celebrate our 10th anniversary. In the past decade, we have grown from a small group of people to a company with 70 colleagues, celebrated many successes, and made great memories together. For this occasion, we ask colleagues from the very beginning about their fondest memories. We start off with Jelle Boomsma.

“After my studies, I directly joined Bizzomate, which had just been founded at the time. We were with a small group of people in an office in Meerssen, Limburg. Back then, low-code and Mendix were completely unknown. For many companies, it sounded too good to be true and they often asked us for a proof of concept. We regularly spent a couple of days on site at the customer to prove that you can really create something beautiful with low-code. Those were long days of course, but with a great atmosphere. You get to know each other really well. We always took the time to end these weeks by doing something fun together. For instance, we always phoned the local pub on Fridays, where the waiter would bring our order all the way to our office.”

“Bizzomate has grown considerably over the past ten years and a lot has changed, but the family feeling that was strong from the beginning has always remained. It still feels like I work with my friends. When we were still with a small group, everyone was interested in what was going on in each other’s lifes. That culture of openness is still encouraged now. If something is going on in your home situation, colleagues know and will support you the best they can.”

“My greatest memory is a company trip in the Achterhoek region that ended with a big bonfire. which we stoked up with pallets. The flames came almost eight metres high! It was super fun and ended in a big party. A lot of fun company trips followed, but what has stayed with me from that evening is that very little was needed to have a fantastic evening together. The people are what make a party great, something that is proven at Bizzomate time and again.”

“In the next 10 years, I hope we can maintain that special culture at Bizzomate. From the start, Bizzomate has been making unique choices, such as lots of room for volunteering at charities, and working without managers. For ten years, this has attracted great colleagues with whom we have celebrated many successes together. I am confident that we can continue to do so in the coming years!”

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10 year Bizzomate – the start

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Bizzomate viert 10-jarig bestaan

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Bizzomate is Partner van MX Hack 2022: Low-Code for Good hackathon

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