
Bizzomate introduces DevTool to safely build Mendix applications

Bizzomate, specialist in software solutions for digitizing and optimizing business processes introduces the Bizzomate DevTool, an application which quickly discovers vulnerabilities in Mendix applications. Developers can use it to easily make their Mendix applications more resilient against cyber attacks.

Reading data for security checks

A common vulnerability in Mendix applications is the incorrect configuration of user rights. This sometimes results in unwanted exposure of data. With the Bizzomate DevTool, developers can check for these vulnerabilities during the development of applications. The tool generates tables showing developers what they are allowed to see in a Mendix application, based on their user rights. This way, it’s easy to check if the set rights work properly and to solve security problems, even before a Mendix application goes live. 

Insight in the application status 

In addition to quickly reading data to check security, the tool can also be used to analyze the status of Mendix applications. Changes made during the building of the application are immediately visible and can be adjusted when necessary. This makes the Bizzomate DevTool very suitable for quick troubleshooting of Mendix applications.

Performance monitoring

The built-in performance monitoring in the Bizzomate DevTool logs everything that happens on the server. This allows developers to see how long the Mendix application takes to execute certain actions on the server. This way, low performing parts of the application can easily be identified and improved. The Bizzomate DevTool accesses applications from the outside, making it possible to use the tool everywhere and eliminating the need to download the database of an application. This saves a lot of time.

Charles Bronzwaer, partner at Bizzomate: “Our Bizzomate DevTool makes life for Mendix developers a lot easier. It gives developers immediate insight into the most important security settings and allows them to quickly identify and improve poorly functioning parts of Mendix applications, resulting in safer applications which are less vulnerable to cyber attacks. Because we want all Mendix developers to be able to use such a useful tool, we make this application available for free from now on.”

Availability Bizzomate DevTool

Bizzomate makes the Dev Tool available for free as a Chrome plugin in the Chrome Web Store. The tool was officially introduced on Thursday July 7 at the Mendix meet-up organized by Bizzomate. 

Want to give it a try?
Download here from Chrome web store

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