
Empower remote users, share information easily and eradicate back office administration. I want to log a claim, access my information or register my attendance. Portals are everywhere.

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In today’s world people expect that they can help themselves online. We all want easy and secure access to our information around the clock. Portals are there to provide online tools, streamline processes and enhance collaboration. Tie different systems together, create an online place that people can access and provide context, insight and transparency into the processes that matter to them.


Providing an online portal can be an essential part of creating a satisfying experience for your customers, employees and partners as it allows users to surface information that is specific to their need. Portals can give easy access to tools and actionable information used by companies. Why should a customer have to contact your team via email or phone and then wait on a reply from someone in your team if they need an update on an open ticket? Providing this information through a customer support portal, is more efficient, will cut down on the workload for your team and your customers control over their issues.

Do you want to provide online tools?

Creating a stunning, secure and feature rich web portal used to be a costly operation. Not anymore, we use Mendix to rapidly design, build and deploy custom web portals and we can have them up and running on all devices in a matter of weeks.

Create a digital front door to your business? Get in touch.

Easy, fast, and secure. Up and running in no time so you can focus on what’s important: your customers!

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