
What if we could……? From audacious idea, to working software and all in time to capture the opportunity

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New technologies such as cloud, big data, IoT and mobile are coming at us with the speed of light. It has the power to turn the world that we know upside down. Apps provide a critical mechanism through which companies can lower costs, save time, and create new business models. However, the development of an app to support a new idea can be a time consuming and costly operation. So what if?

Rapid prototype?

What if I can take an idea and turn this into a working software in a matter of days? This would give me the ability to quickly visualise what’s in my head and validate these plans with the people that matter. I could fail fast when needed, without spending large amounts of money. I could stay ahead of my competition by being the first to launch my idea as a new product or service.

That would be nice

Mendix’ low-code development platform, offers visual development tools for the rapid creation of functional prototypes. Next to this it incorporates next generation technologies like IoT, blockchain, and artificial intelligence and makes these accessible for business users and developers within your company.

Do you have a crazy idea? Get in touch.

Let’s turn these ideas into reality

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